Conheça a Traiano Advogados

Somos especialistas em direito previdenciário, oferecendo auxílio completo para BPC Loas, aposentadorias e benefícios pelo INSS.

A detailed view of a camouflage military uniform with a patch that reads 'Operações com Cães'. The background shows another individual wearing a similar uniform, holding a white cup.
A detailed view of a camouflage military uniform with a patch that reads 'Operações com Cães'. The background shows another individual wearing a similar uniform, holding a white cup.
A white rectangular sign with a symbol of a person in a wheelchair is mounted on a metal pole. The sign is situated outdoors in a green vegetated area with trees and bushes in the background.
A white rectangular sign with a symbol of a person in a wheelchair is mounted on a metal pole. The sign is situated outdoors in a green vegetated area with trees and bushes in the background.
An older person wearing a straw hat, eyeglasses, and a face mask stands holding a cardboard sign with the words 'FAIR PAY' written in bold red letters. There is a subtle pattern on their light-colored shirt, and a couple of police officers are visible in the background against a black iron fence.
An older person wearing a straw hat, eyeglasses, and a face mask stands holding a cardboard sign with the words 'FAIR PAY' written in bold red letters. There is a subtle pattern on their light-colored shirt, and a couple of police officers are visible in the background against a black iron fence.

Nossa Missão e Visão

Somos uma equipe de advogadas com atuação voltada especialmente para o Direito Previdenciário. O escritório Rose Traiano Advogados nasceu da vontade de contribuir para a construção de uma sociedade justa e igualitária, se posicionando ao lado dos segurados em face das ilegalidades e arbitrariedades notoriamente praticadas por aqueles que deveriam garantir acesso a seguridade social.


Atendemos em diversas localidades, oferecendo suporte especializado em direito previdenciário para aposentadorias e benefícios do INSS.


Lourenço Pinto,196


Seg a Sex

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

O atendimento foi excepcional, ajudaram-me a entender todos os meus direitos previdenciários com clareza.

Maria Silva

A multi-story building with a light beige façade and ornate railings, featuring red and white signs with text in Portuguese. The building stands against a clear blue sky, with other structures visible in the background.
A multi-story building with a light beige façade and ornate railings, featuring red and white signs with text in Portuguese. The building stands against a clear blue sky, with other structures visible in the background.

A equipe é muito competente e atenciosa, consegui minha aposentadoria sem complicações. Recomendo!

João Pereira

A stone marker with an inscription in Portuguese stands prominently against a backdrop of trees and a clear blue sky with scattered white clouds. The plaque on the marker mentions the Instituto Geográfico e Cadastral in Lisbon. In the distance, urban structures peek through the foliage.
A stone marker with an inscription in Portuguese stands prominently against a backdrop of trees and a clear blue sky with scattered white clouds. The plaque on the marker mentions the Instituto Geográfico e Cadastral in Lisbon. In the distance, urban structures peek through the foliage.